Parent Teachers Association

The PTA is formulated as a formal organization to provide a structure through which the parents and teachers can work together to have the best possible education and welfare of the student of all nursing programme. PTA is conducted at the beginning of the academic year to form a PTA executive committee and after every sessional examination. Discussions are made regarding the performance of students academic and personal problems and efforts to solve them. Students with special achievements and their parents are congratulated in every PTA meeting.


Patron Prof. Dr. Cicy Joseph Principal
PTA President Adv. Ansari M. F/O Diya Ann 4th year B.Sc Nursing
Vice President Mr. Abdul Azeez F/O Zulfa Azeez 5th Sem B.Sc Nursing
Secretary Prof. Sindhu Abraham Vice Principal
Joint Secretary Prof. Siby .P. Varghese
Treasurer Mrs. Divya Vijai Assistant Professor
Teachers representatives Mrs. Ligi Raichal Daniel Assistant Professor

Mrs. Sajina Mariam Kurien Assistant Professor
Parents Representatives Mr. Thomas T.T.
F/O Linta Thomas
4th Year B.Sc Nursing

Mr. Shibu Chako
F/O Sharon Tressa Thomas
5th Sem B.Sc Nursing

Mr. Shibu Philip
F/O Liya Shibu
3rd Sem B.Sc Nursing

Mrs. Nisamol M.
M/O Rashnamol
I Sem B.Sc Nursing